Mr. Petet has been the High School Principal at Lawson School District since 2022. He received his Bachelor of Education degree with an emphasis in History from the University of Central Missouri, then received his Masters and Specialist Degree in Educational Administration from William Woods University. Mr. Petet taught Social Studies at a variety of grade levels before entering into administration in 2016, eventually coming to Lawson in 2019. He is married to his wife, Nicole, and has three children who are proud to call Lawson home.
Lawson High School
Welcome to Lawson High School, a National Blue Ribbon Award-winning school. We are a community-based school that maintains a safe learning environment. Our strong staff guides students to high achievement and helps them build strong relationships within the community. Our wonderful students are open and friendly, creating a tight-knit culture that encourages involvement in various activities. Year after year, the students and staff actively practice the mission of Lawson High School:
To form a partnership with family, business, and community in order to provide a quality education in a safe, drug free environment that prepares students to be confident in their abilities, enthusiastic about their possibilities, and eager to engage life as contributing members of society.
Our website is a great resource that offers information about upcoming events, school activities, staff contacts, school handbook, A+ requirements and many other details about our school. It is our goal to meet the needs of students and the community while creating life-long learners.

Mr. Petet

Mr. Haley
Mr. Haley is beginning his first year in the Lawson School District as the Assistant Principal at Lawson High School. Previously, Mr. Haley was the Principal at Orrick High School and teacher at North Kansas City High School. He has a Bachelor of Science from the University of Missouri-Columbia, a Master of Education from Park University, and Specialist degree in Educational Leadership from the University of Central Missouri.
Lawson High School Contact Information
Grades 9-12
Mr. Daniel Petet, Principal
Mr. John Haley, Asst. Principal
600 Bob Gill Dr. Lawson, MO 64062
(p) 816 580-7270 (f) 816 296-3048