Strategic Planning


Greetings Cardinals, 

We are excited to announce exciting opportunities for each of you as the Lawson School Community members to participate in developing a new Strategic School Community Plan to guide the district into the future. The Strategic School Community Plan will be a joint effort to give everyone a voice in creating a vision for the future.

The Lawson School District will engage in a strategic planning process with our school community this fall. There will be two main ways for our school community to participate:

  • Complete the Strategic School Community Planning Survey
    All community members will be asked to complete an online survey in late October. A link to the survey will be provided to all community members through our district Facebook page and our textcaster system.
  • Participate in the Strategic School Community Planning Focus Group
    We will host a community Strategic School Community Planning Focus Group meeting on Monday, October 24, at 6pm in the high school commons. The Focus Group will work with an open, collaborative, and non-judgmental mindset. The purpose will be to focus on what is best to serve all students and the entire school community and to assist in creating a long-range (5-year) vision for our school district.

We are excited to partner with our school community to "DREAM" and create robust and comprehensive educational and extracurricular opportunities for all of our students every day. When completed, the plan will be presented to the school community and serve as the road map for how we prepare our students for the future! 

We encourage you to contact us if you have specific questions regarding the Strategic School Community Plan process or how you can be directly involved.  #WeAreLawson

Mr. Michael Stephenson
Lawson R-XIV